Driving Directions
C.W. Nelson Landscape Design & Nursery, 19 Dodd Road, Sandisfield, MA 01255
16 Miles from Great Barrington, MA:
Leave Great Barrington via 23 East traveling 3.5 miles to the junction with Route 57. Bear right onto 57 East for 11 scenic miles through the town of New Marlborough. At 11 miles, there is a sharp hairpin left turn in Sandisfield. Continue straight on to New Hartford Road. Follow signs 1 mile to the C.W. Nelson Nursery sign at the bottom of Dodd Road. Turn right. The Nursery is just up the road on your left.
From Winsted, CT:
Take Route 8 North out of Winsted to the town of New Boston. Turn left onto Route 57 West for 5 miles. Atthe top of the steep hill, turn left at the T onto New Hartford Road. Go 1 mile to the sign on right.
C.W. Nelson