
Within the scenic Berkshire countryside, the C.W. Nelson Nursery has been my passion for fifteen years. In 1985, when we started our nursery, it had quite a different look. Today, gardens and pathways replace the woody acres of forest. Stone walls line the driveway, with perennials spilling over the stones, and granite stairs lead to bridges and water gardens that lead to peaceful oases in the grounds. Bauer Pond, once blocked by dense growth, now provides a focal point for the eye, and rustic benches beckon you to stop and rest for a while.
There are four water gardens, each with their own personality and fountain concept, and we offer many varieties of trees, shrubs, perennials and annuals to complement your landscaping ideas. If you visit us, I can virtually guarantee you will come away with new ideas for your own gardens. Nestled in the heart of Sandisfield, a small corner of Berkshire County, our nursery offers much to the imaginative property owner.
We invite you to tour our gardens, which are in full bloom, and to enjoy the magnificent views overlooking the pond.